Short film showcase


Person with clapperboard in front of a camera

Access the following short films, ‘The Interviewer’, ‘Visible’, ‘Be My Brother’ and ‘Inclusion Makes the World More Vibrant’ by writer and director Genevieve Clay-Smith.



Activity – short film review

Director with a megaphone

Select one of the short films and complete a film review using the steps below to guide your response.

  1. Briefly summarise the plot of your selected film, considering these questions:
    • What situation was established?
    • What surprise, problem or twist was there for the audience?
    • How was the problem resolved?
    • Which character(s) transformed, and how?
  2. Describe each character in 1-2 sentences. Consider their motivation and purpose in the film. Are they a protagonist, antagonist, mentor, ally, bench marker or a shape shifter? Describe the relationships between characters.
  3. Identify the turning point in the film’s narrative. The turning point is the moment where a major shift happens in the story. For example, the character could undergo a transformation or be confronted with something, the world could turn upside down, or something could be revealed.
  4. Production design includes locations, set design, lighting and costumes. It gives audiences a powerful sense of the time period, plot, location and characters. Explain how it enhanced the story.
  5. How was the camera used effectively throughout the film to enhance the story? Explain one particular shot where the camera was used to create dramatic action or emphasise the story. Consider camera angle, point of view, distance from subject and framing.
  6. Describe how music was used in the film. What atmosphere or mood did it create for audiences?
  7. List the sound effects that you heard during the film. Describe one moment in the film where sound was used effectively.
  8. Discuss how editing was used in the film, considering the director’s vision. Identify a scene in the film where cutting was successfully used to create a particular effect.
  9. Now that you have considered different aspects of the film from the perspectives of the audience and artist, evaluate why this is a successful short film. Support your response with examples of specific techniques used to produce the film.

Extension activity – short film review as an extended response

Person with a clipboard, standing in front of camera lighting

Use this scaffold to structure your film review as an extended response.

Paragraph Points to include
Introduction Introduce your selected film and establish your main argument or viewpoint. Identify the film’s title, year and director. Establish why this is a successful short film.
Body paragraph 1

Set the scene. Contextualise the film by summarising key aspects such as plot and characters. Consider the questions below.

  • What situation was established?
  • What surprise or twist was there for the audience? 
  • What was the turning point where a major shift happened?
  • How was the problem resolved?
  • Which character(s) were transformed? How?

How would you describe each character in the film, including their motivation and purpose in the film? Were they a protagonist, antagonist, mentor, ally, bench marker or a shape shifter?

Body paragraph 2

Use evidence to build your argument. Analyse examples of specific techniques used to successfully produce the film. Consider:

  • aspects of production design, such as locations, set, lighting and costume, used to enhance the story and give audiences a sense of the time period, plot, location and/or characters 
  • how the camera was used effectively throughout the film to create dramatic action or emphasise the story, including camera angle, point of view, distance from the subject and framing
  • how music was used to create atmosphere and mood for audiences
  • how sound effects were used effectively
  • how editing was used in the film to create particular effects and resolve the director’s vision.

Summarise your informed point of view. Evaluate why this a successful short film, considering the different aspects of the film you identified and discussed in the body of your response.

Conclude with a convincing statement that reflects your own informed point of view.

You can also complete this activity in this word document.