Camera movement

Camera movement examples and activity

Click on each of the camera movements below to reveal a definition and an example, then complete the camera movement activity below.


Moving the camera’s lens up or down while tripod remains in the same position.

figures of cameras on tripods tilting down and up

Moving the camera lens from left to right, or right to left.

figure of camera panning

Changing the focal length of the lens to make the subject appear closer or further away in the frame.

figures of two cameras zooming in and out of filming a tree

Moving the camera up or down without tilting. This can be achieved by raising or lowering the tripod head.

figure of two cameras being raised on tripods to demonstrate pedestal movement

Moving the camera towards or away from the scene you are filming. The whole camera set up is moved usually on a platform with wheels or tracks.

Figure of a camera on a dolly moving towards and away from the subject to demonstrate dolly movement

Moving the camera left or right while keeping the same distance from the scene being recorded. The whole camera set up is moved, usually on a platform with wheels or tracks.

figure of camera demonstrating truck movement

Activity – camera movement

Camera operator on a ladder

Complete the activity below to experiment with the range camera movements you can achieve.

  • Test the ease of movement with your equipment by securely setting up your recording device on a tripod and recording a range of camera movements, including tilt, zoom, pan and pedestal.
  • Review the footage and consider the qualities of the movement, for example, its smoothness or bumpiness. Does this align with your intentions? How can the movement process be refined?
  • Can you create a platform on wheels that will allow you to safely and smoothly move your equipment to capture dolly and truck movements? Tip: Your school general assistant may have a trolley you could borrow.
  • Where and when in your film would these camera movements be most effective?